Meet the LUXOR Light Healing Team
Are you looking for a LUXOR Light Ascension Healing Facilitator? Look no further. This is the International Home for LUXOR Light Ascension. All recognised LUXOR Light Healers are here waiting for you!
Meet our LUXOR Light Healing Team. These LUXOR Light Healing facilitators are all dedicated to their own ascension journey in turn making them very apt at being able to help you with yours. Each facilitator holds their own unique qualities and gifts adding something unique to the way they work with the LUXOR Light frequencies. Most also work online, so I hope if you can't find someone in your area, you can find someone that you resonate with online.

Founder & LUXOR Light Frequency Guardian, Mentor, Soul Coach, Healing and Meditation Teacher
ChristinA offers you One on One Ascension Coaching, Twin Flame Mentoring, Light Language Activations, Soul Visionary Healing, Twin Flame Healing and Analysis, Intuitive Readings focused on your Spiritual advancement, soul purpose and mission.
ChristinA assists Twin Flames with their development of their inner masculine and feminine and into union within
and onward to the tenth dimension where they begin to merge with their twin flame. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience from over 20 years committed to her own ascension and assisting others to do the same..
ChristinA Ritchie

Healing Facilitator
My name is Kathy Couper and I live in the small town of Dongara on the coast of Western Australia.
I began my journey with LUXOR Light in 2014 where I started attending meditation classes with Christina.
I was curious and amazed at this very interesting woman and continued to want to learn and grow from being within her presence.
I then went on to do the LUXOR Light ascension program online and continued onto the Healing practitioner course of the distant and hands on modalities.
I am a wife and mother to 3 beautiful children and began working from home building a small group of clients. I opened a Facebook page called Living Like an Onion where you can find all my details and services, while honouring the LUXOR Light Energy.
I specialise in Distant Healing work, chakra balancing, space clearing and intuitive dream interpretation.

Healing and LUXOR Light Meditation Facilitator
My name is Jason Wright and I live in a village on the outskirts of Leicester, UK.
I have been consciously on my spiritual journey for around 20 years now and first went to meet up with Christina in Luxor, Egypt in 2009. Since then I have qualified as a LUXOR Light practitioner and Meditation Facilitator. I run meditation classes with the LUXOR Light energy.
I am also an awakened channel for pure Light Language bringing forth Light Codes for healing and awakening.
I feel blessed to be on this journey and love to share and help others find and move along their own path.
I work from my home for in person healing sessions and meditation, or online with distant healing and Light Codes.
You can connect with me on my Facebook page

Connect with Us
Connect with one of the Facilitators above to find out more about how you can book a healing or coaching session. If you would like to know more about the LUXOR Ascension Program connect with ChristinA at
+20 102085 9349