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The Wonderful World of Colour Therapy
Life without colour would be a very sad world indeed!
There is nothing that does not touch colour
Colour is energy and energy is life!

In 1997 the year that I was working the energy of my destiny, I closed a major door of my spiritual journey, and opened a new one which encompassed the world of colour.
I began a 2 year Diploma course studying a very diverse range of topics on colour and colour therapy. It was from here that Colour became the passion that drove my soul, and gave me the desire to forge ahead into the future with gusto and excitement.
The excitement of the gave me the trust that all would fall into place and my soul's path would be revealed!
Three years after beginning my journey with colour I stepped into the world of teaching my own 2 year Diploma course and my school "Clearly Colour Conscious" was affiliated with the International School of Colour Therapy in the UK.
This journey proved to be a most amazing journey of my life!
Colour is vital in our spiritual growth process because we must Master all of the Colour Rays on our journey of Ascension.
For four years I taught the Colour Therapy Diploma course to different groups of people all committed for the 2 year program of understanding and experiencing colour.
Through my commitment to working and experiencing colour, my own ascension process began to accelerate. I stepped into teaching and guiding groups to accelerate their ascension process. It was opening me up to a "remembrance" of techniques that no-one in this life had ever taught me.
Towards the year 2004 I knew the door to focusing only on colour was coming to an end and something else was knocking at my door. On March 3, 2004, I was downloaded with an energy frequency that was transferable and holds an immense power of Light accelerating people through the ascension process at a much higher speed than anything else I know of.
I am of the total belief that it was the foundation of my work with colour that prepared me to be able to carry such a powerful frequency as LUXOR Light, and opened me up to my Soul's purpose.
I no longer teach the 2 year Diploma course, but I have developed a shorter course hours that covers what I believe to be the foundations that everyone should know and work with in colour.

Colour is, of course a lifetime study and no one can possibly learn all there is to learn about colour through any course.
Colour must be experienced and one must become totally "colour conscious" on a day to day basis in order to prepare themselves for the onward journey Home.
Colour can make a HUGE difference in our day to day lives and to learn and experience life through colour is one of the most rewarding gifts we can give to ourselves.
There are many tools you can use while working with colour, but I believe we do not need tools, we only need the energy and techniques that are easily at our fingertips and within our mind and our breath.

Crossing the Bridge into Higher Consciousness
My aim is to share with you how to utilise colour for your personal and spiritual healing, to share with others and to open up your world to the wonderful world of colour.
Colour can heighten your spiritual sensitivities, heal your physical, emotional and mental bodies, and colour can open the window of your Soul and reveal the Truth of who you are.
Some of the topics covered in my online courses are...
Colour Psychology
Colour Breathing
Colour and Numerology
Colour in Mandalas
Understanding the Chakra System
Auras and perception
Colour in Healing
Practical use and much much more
Colour is almighty and powerful, you simply need to know how to use it. I hope I can assist you to understand and experience colour through my simplified Colour Therapy Online Courses. These Colour Therapy online courses are for everyone at all levels and you will be surprised at the power and relevance to what you are about to learn through them.
ChristinA's Online
Colour Therapy Courses
"Awakening to your Passion"
Colour Psychology
Mandalas "Bringing the Subconscious into the conscious
Join the Master Class and Colour Me Forever!

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