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Do you want to know if you have met your twin flame, or if your partner is your twin flame, or even how to tell if you are connectingwith your twin energetically? How close are you to meeting?  How ready are you?Would you like to know what you need to do to prepare yourself energetically and how to rise in consciousness to come into merger faster.  I can tell you if your twin is thinking of you, what chakras are connecting and much much more.Sometimes it just helps to know what type of connection you are in and from there I give you guidance on how to proceed with the healing and connection.  These charts were divinely inspired and I have a thorough understanding of the twin flame ascension journey because I have walked it all the way tovl union.  My twin flame and I are on our own missions and also our combined twin flame mission.  The analysis is very thorough and you will be very pleased you had it done.I look forward to helping you understand your connection.ChristinA

Twin Flame Analysis

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