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Energy work and Ascension in Luxor

This page is to give you a general idea of what we have to offer you in the way of spirituality and energy work in Luxor and the significance of Luxor the fifth dimension and the New Earth.

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Aligning with Egypt

Embrace the Spiritual Essence of Luxor Before Your Journey

Before you set foot on the sacred soil of Luxor, I invite you to attune your spirit to the ancient energies of Egypt. This preparation is to enhance your receptivity and deepen your experience upon arrival. For those interested, I offer specialized services to facilitate this spiritual readiness. Feel free to reach out for more details or to schedule a session.

Luxor, Home of the Etheric Ascension Portal

Many are unaware that Luxor is the home of the etheric Temple of Ascension, a missed opportunity for profound spiritual awakening. Recognizing Luxor’s spiritual importance can unlock powerful inner gateways.

Serapis Bey - Guardian of The Flame of Ascension

Overseeing the etheric realm above Luxor’s physical temple is the Ascended Master Serapis Bey, once Pharaoh Amenhotep III, the visionary behind Luxor Temple’s creation. His lineage includes Akhenaten and Tutankhamun, a sacred and holy family.

A Deeper Spiritual Experience

Beyond Egyptology and history of Egypt lies a deeper spiritual connection. Amenhotep III’s Queen, Tiye, came from a lineage connected to the biblical Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers and taken into Egypt. This reveals the sacredness of their lineage.

Energetic Connection Over Historical Stories

My bond with Egypt transcends historical or Egyptology interests, focusing instead on the energetic essence. My goal is to guide you to connect with the ancient Wisdom, which resides within the energies in the land, the temples and so forth.  The wisdom takes us beyond the stories and myths that can distract from the Truth.  Energy never lies. While I resonate with certain aspects of Egyptology, I encourage you to seek the energy that speaks to your soul, allowing it to illuminate your true essence.

The Temples’ Silent Wisdom

The temples’ walls bare secrets open to individual interpretation, much like sacred texts. History has seen conflicts over these narratives, but when we connect with the energy, stories become unnecessary. Stories serve the ego, which separates us from the universal Oneness. Let the stories inspire your personal truth, absorbing what resonates and discarding the rest. Feel the energy and let your connection with Egypt be the catalyst for your further awakening. Allow the temples to communicate through their silent energy, guiding your spiritual journey.

Luxor Temple: A Blueprint for Ascension

The Luxor Temple, mirroring the human form, as the body of the Pharaoh, is thought to represent our spiritual evolution towards the perfected human being. As humanity ascends beyond the fifth dimension, we strive to embody this spiritual archetype.

The Ascension Flame of Luxor

Within the temple, you’ll find the etheric flame room, home to the white flame of purity, brought by Serapis Bey from Atlantis. My book, “Birthing a New Reality,” recounts my predestined connection with Luxor and my part in the mission to rekindle this ascension energy within humanity.

Languages of Light and Universal Truth

I communicate in the language of light, a divine tongue beyond human interpretation, linked to ancient languages and the stars, particularly Sirius. These sacred sounds, connected to the Seraphim, awaken the trinity of divine energies within us. Unencumbered by the ego, they reveal the universal Truth, guiding us towards graceful surrender and unity with the divine spark.

deir el sheirwit 2
temple of the sun
serapis temple alex
Finding your Balance point Kom Ombo
Esna meditate
ChristinA Ritchie West Bank Luxor
top of the hill
silsila quarry temples
meditate in the desert
me profile temple

Aligning with Egypt

Here are three powerful options to align with Egypt that you might like to consider before you come. All of these options enable you to be fully prepared for you spiritual journey into Egypt; after all, you are returning to Egypt, not arriving for the first time.  It may have been lifetimes ago, but you are returning Home in more ways than one.  If you understand the ascension and the connection with Luxor and the ascension, you will understand that you are truly being given the opportunity to come "Home".  Now, you can make the very most of it! Just as you will prepare your itinerary, you should prepare your energy field.  Egypt is the Motherland, everyone has connection with Egypt.  Ascended Master Serapis Bey says in the book "Dossier on Ascension", Everyone should pass through Luxor, be it in the physical or the spiritual.  You can do both!

  1. So, the first thing I recommend in aligning with Egypt, or rather re-aligning with Egypt, back to your original connection and purpose for the NOW is to partake of the LUXOR Light Ascension program before you come to Egypt, or at least get started with it, so you are already aligned with the energy of the Ascension Temple of Luxor.

  2. Next to that is having a remote visionary healing with me to help align your chakras to bring you into balance and to amp up your frequency to a higher dimensional consciousness to be well prepared for your journey into Egypt.  You will learn what is happening in your energy field and you can request that it is specifically to align you with Egypt.  You receive visionary messages to do with your spiritual progress.

  3. And next,  request a personalised light codes activation to prepare you for your journey into Egypt.

Temple Codes

While you are in Egypt, activate your light codes.  I carry the Wisdom Codes of Thoth also known as the Activation Keys of Enoch, awakening you to your lost wisdoms. You can do this either

  1. Through a personal hands on energy healing session in Luxor, receiving a light codes and light language transmission

  2. Attend a Light Codes meditation evening or arrange a personal individual or group meditation sitting to receive the activation Keys and Codes of Thoth.  

  3. Any of the above requesting Temple Codes either general or specific.

  4. You can prepare before you travel or purchase your own program before you leave to use while in Egypt here with Egyptian Temple Codes.  All these codes were received on location.


Contact me for more information on WhatsApp +61430026133

Energy Immersion

This is group work and can be done either through meditation or group healing.   

  1. You can join a meditation class 

  2. Arrange for your group to have a private sitting/healing to experience a LUXOR Light meditation to receive the ascension frequencies and shift your vibration or request a Wisdom Light Codes of Thoth activation for your group

Powerful Sites

Egypt is filled with powerful energy sites, but Luxor is known as the worlds largest outdoor museum.  This is because there are so many temples here.  

On the East Bank of the Nile we have Karnak Temple complex which has many temples within the complex and Luxor Temple, the home of the Etheric Temple of Ascension itself.

On the West Bank of the Nile, we have the Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens, Deir el Bahri, Queen Hatshepsut Mortuary Temple, Seti 1 Temple, Ramesseum, Collossi of Memnon, Temple Habu, Temple of Thoth, Deir el Sherwit (Temple Isis), Tombs of the Nobles, the newly discovered lost golden city of Akhenaten, Malkata; location of Temple of Akhenaten and Palace of Queen Tiye.  There is also a lovely old monastery behind the Valley of Queens, near Malkata.

Just a day trip away from Luxor is Temple of Hathor in Dendarah and Temple of Abydos to the North.  To the south we have Temple of Khnum at Esna, Temple of Horemheb at the stone quarry of Geb el Silsila.  Heading further south is the Temple of Horus at Edfu, then Kom Ombo dedicated to Horus and Sobek.  Further South is the Temple of Isis on the island of Philae in Aswan and so much more.   Even further south you find the Temple of Ramses at Abu Simbel.  I will write more on the temples at another time.  Meanwhile this is a short summary of what Luxor and surrounds has to offer.  

Oasis Desert Trip -

2 Nights, 3 days

Are you a lover of the desert?  You can enjoy a private 2 nights, 3 days, from Luxor to el Kharga Oasis and Dakhla Oasis.


Day 1 – leave from Luxor at 5am - el Kharga – Visit Dush Temple dedicated to Serapis and Isis.  Here you receive healing inside the temple.  You also receive temple codes fully recorded to take home with you. Lunch el Kharga.  Drive Dakhla Oasis, unwind in the healing hot springs where the water can reach 43 degrees celcius!  Tea or coffee in the Bedouin tent. 

Day 2 – Morning dip in the healing hot springs before  breakfast. Visit the Old Islamic palace and Old City.  Lunch at the Hotel.  Afternoon rest.  Then camel ride into the desert at sunset.  Meditation in the desert.  Bedouin coffee and back to the hotel.  Dip in the hot springs to unwind before dinner. Relax in Bedouin tent or early to bed.

Day 3 – Optional dip in healing hot springs before breakfast, then vist the Temple of Hibis, a temple dedicated to the Theban triad,  Amun, Mut and Khonso.  This a a really beautiful temple built in the Persion period, a rare opportunity indeed.  We intend time to meditate in the temple.  We then visit Bagawat tombs.  This is a fascinating visit to this unique site of a pagan cemetery with a Coptic Christian Temple that has many different beautiful Christian murals.  You can also see an almost perfectly preserved mural of Moses and the Jews on their way out of Egypt.  This is a very heart opening visit.

Enjoy freshly baked hot bread made by the women in the traditional Egyptian oven.  Lunch and head back to Luxor.

This is a very relaxed and flexible trip where you get to connect deeply with all 5 elements leading us back to our true nature. 

  1. the element of earth by standing bare foot in the desert sand allowing our toes to feel every grain of sand and by laying down and feeling the pulse of the earth begin to awaken the base as we chant a Sacred Mantra of Light that will be given to you in the desert.

  2. the element of water with the healing hot springs as we bring the energies up through the sacral chakra as we have begun to awaken the sleeping serpent we connect deeply with our emotions allowing them to flow freely through us.  The heat of the hot springs helps to soothe and dissolve any blocked or stagnant emotions. We face and release our fears simply through the nurturing element of water, like floating in our mothers womb. Fear and concerns melt away.  Again you will be given the Sacred Mantra of Light to chant while working with the highest aspect of this chakra.

  3. the fire element of the desert, bringing powerful transformation through the solar plexus chakra, bringing change through powerful spiritual shifts as we leave the old behind and stand in our own power.  Working with the Sacred Mantra for Fire.

  4. the element of Air through the wind as it whistles through the temple of Dush, speaking to us from the heart of Egypt herself.  The element of air governs the heart chakra, the bridge between worlds, just as when you listen to the wind you can hear as if worlds within worlds are speaking to you.  Listen with our heart as we chant the Sacred Mantra of the Heart and work with the breath.  Here we connect with our Ancient Egyptian past as we breathe the breath of past, present and future and connect with all through the heart.

  5.  the element of Akasha/sound or space/ether the fifth element through meditation, the Sacred Mantras awakening us to rememberance of the higher spiritual aspects of ourselves.  This element connects with the higher spiritual chakras.  The awareness is all we need, the Presence and Intention.


Nile Cruise Luxor to Aswan


One of the trips I specialise in, is taking people on the Nile to cruise on a traditional dahabieh on a 5 or 6 day voyage to Aswan visiting all the temples along the way.  I usually do this trip to coincide with 11:11 each year.  More about this soon.

Temple and Desert Immersion in Luxor

Maybe you are interested in a combination of healing, meditation, temples and desert, really bringing Egypt together for you. A full day immersion. (6 - 8 hours)

  1. Pick up from your hotel on East or West Bank.

  2. Visit the Temple of Thoth or the Temple of Isis for meditation

  3. Drive to a desert area, either behind the Valley of the Queens, or into the Wadi at the foot of Thoth Mountain.

  4. Powerful Healing or Meditation

  • Divine Masculine / Divine Feminine energies, healing duality and activating union

  • Clearing blockages, negative and heavy energies

  • Receiving Light Codes of your Egyptian past

  • Time to wander in silence

Lunch or back to your hotel.


Individual or groups. $TBA

Inludes picnic breakfast in desert - water, juice, tea, coffee, fruit, and falafel sandwich.

Contact me on WhatsApp messaging for more information.  WhatsApp +61430026133

Ascension in Luxor

Great news! You can also experience the powerful and masterful you through the light codes and ascension frequencies of LUXOR Light.


Connect with me to receive these frequencies and awaken to a new level of consciousness.


If you're interested in a tour, let me know and I can put one together for you. 

Aligning anchor
Temple Codes Anchor
Energy Immersion
Powerul Sites


I'm looking forward to meeting you in Luxor soon! Let's journey spiritually together!

WhatsApp  +61 430026133

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