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How to
Return to Love

ChristinA Ritchie

Healing the Wounds of the
Divine Masculine and
Divine Feminine

Life is our healing journey and our pathway to higher consciousness. 

We walk that path and all the pitfalls along the way until we heal the chaos held within us.  What we see and experience in our external world is the mirror to what we are experiencing in our inner world. 

We are all walking the path to higher consciousness and this we call Ascension.  We are ascending into a higher way, a better way, a new world, a world where we live in peace and harmony with all living beings.  To get there we must find our way back to knowing, understanding, and having Self Love. 

We begin by developing our masculine and feminine chakra system and bringing them into balance and harmony as we begin to step into Unity Consciousness on the journey of ascension. 


How to Return to Love through LUXOR Light is a powerful pathway to heal duality and come into Oneness.

The LUXOR Light Ascension Program

Purchase program Here

Capture the Journey

"The long awaited powerful account of the journey of awakening and anchoring the divine frequency we call LUXOR Light"

Available on Amazon Now

Book Birthing a New Reality

It’s all about the Journey not the Destination

From Beginning your awakening to awakening to the gifts of your Higher Self, I share with you how to get there.  I share how to awaken your higher chakras and your masculine and feminine chakra system, awakening hour healing and psychic abilities, how to awaken to Light Language and the Light Codes you hold within.  I help you awaken to the Sacred Sounds within your Soul and find your Soul Song.  I help you to amplify your healing abilities that you may already be working with.  I share with you the truth about meeting and merging with your divine counterpart or your twin flame and what that means.  I help you to understand the true meaning of Union, both inner Union and Union with your mirror soul.

I’ve been consciously walking the ascension journey for almost 30 years and stumbled upon the twin flame journey along the way.  I’ve come into union with my twin flame and know that it is not what many think it is.  I want to help you understand it, find peace and harmony with it, find Union, and awaken to your reason for being here this lifetime. I can help you every step of the way.  Helping others to awaken to their unique gifts of mastery is my Soul’s purpose this incarnation and I would love to assist you to awaken to yours. 

I began my journey as a spiritual teacher in 1997 and have never wavered off my path since then.  As a spiritual teacher, I am also the eternal spiritual student, experiencing through my own path and through those experiences I have been able to assist many people from all over the world.  I encourage you onto the path of experience, and I help you to open to the true mystic that you are and help you to understand the signs the Universe provides us, how to understand the energetic expression of feeling, how to read numbers like a sentence so you can find your own inner guidance, how to understand the therapeutic and psychological influences of the colour Rays, how to connect with and “know” the Ascended Masters.  I don’t just sell you a program, I walk with you every step of the way no matter which program you choose from me.  I know the pitfalls, I know the energies, I know what it means to be different.  I’m a real person acknowledging your realness too.  I encourage you to be all that you can be.  I don’t hold your hand, I walk beside you, but if you fall, I will help you to get back up again.  You were born with a purpose, a mission, and a spiritual direction.  I help you to understand all those things.  I help you to know the difference between purpose and path and that the two cannot be activated on their own, they need to be fully activated, and grounded to come into full manifestation.  I will help you to know how to make that happen.  I’m a coach, and a guide helping you into your mastery.  Healing is my natural gift, and I carry a unique frequency that enables monumental shifts in consciousness, but that is not all.  I can share that frequency with you, not just to bath you in it, but I am able to help you to embody those energies so you too can have access to the powerful healing frequencies it contains.  The frequency is passed through a meditation technique called LUXOR Light Ascension Program that since 2004 has been used by many people worldwide to access their own unique energies.  Some become flame carriers, some go on to do something else, but everyone is blessed by the Divine Flame energies that are shared through this unique process. 

LUXOR Light Ascension is specifically suited to twin flames and twin flame ascension, because it enables them to rise in consciousness to the dimensional levels required for twin flames to merge and embark upon their spiritual purpose in this life.  It heals through all the lifetimes, through all layers of the auric field and through all realities of time and space, and this is needed for twin flames to find harmony and union.

If you are seeking purpose, LUXOR Light will enable you to get to the levels you need to shift you out of fear and into freedom.  Most importantly, LUXOR Light on this journey of how to return to Love, will awaken you, not once, not twice, but continually.  The journey to mastery is not a place you arrive at but an eternal journey.  Awakening to your gifts doesn’t stop at one gift, but you continue to awaken and activate to many gifts and all you need to do is stay true to your path and understand what it takes to get there.  That is where I come in.  I help you awaken to them all and I help you to understand how to use them and why it is important that you do so. 

If you have been sitting on the fence, or if you just don’t know where to start, contact me and let’s get started…

inside the world's oldest olive tree ChristinA Ritchie

Light Codes

Sacred Sound Light Codes and Light Language Healing and Meditation

divine masculine divine feminine infinity hands

Twin Flames

There is a flame within us all and when we awaken we ignite that flame, we awaken to a second flame and a new journey begins

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ChristinA Ritchie on top of the hill


A trip to Egypt is not complete without receiving the powerful Temple Codes activations with ChristinA

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I love my clients!

Being able to work with ChristinA has changed my life. She is a caring, compassionate and brilliant channel for pure source energy. I have signed up for her ascension course. I am so, so lucky to have found her. We did a 1.5 hour zoom session from where she is presently located which is in one of the most ancient and spiritual places on the planet - and it's not the one in Las Vegas!! ;-) I really wanted to keep ChristinA all to myself, but I would be remiss if I didn't share what an amazing person she is to work with. Thank you for everything, ChristinA! You showed up at precisely the right time. -Lisa Claire xoxo

ChristinA Ritchie

I experienced the LUXOR Light Retreat that Christina offers.  All I can say is that it has forever changed my life!  An amazing experience.  ChristinA has been gifted with some deep modalities guaranteed to move your Soul.  I can hardly wait to return again.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart and Soul.


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