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Winter Solstice Karnak to Hatshepsut

Sa., 28. Nov.


Karnak Temple, Luxor, Egypt

Welcoming the Light Codes of the New Light

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Winter Solstice Karnak to Hatshepsut
Winter Solstice Karnak to Hatshepsut

Time & Location

28. Nov. 2020, 06:00 – 10:00 OEZ

Karnak Temple, Luxor, Egypt, Luxor City, Luxor, Luxor Governorate, Egypt

About the event

Winter Solstice at the Precinct of Amun Ra – Karnak Temple, Luxor

Karnak Temple is dedicated to the sun god Amun Ra. 

At Winter Solstice every year the sun illuminates the sanctuary of Amun Ra at Karnak, and then moves towards the temple gates and illumines Hatshepsut’s temple on the West Bank of the Nile. 

The religious complex of Karnak, in Luxor, is the largest ancient religious site in the world. The solar alignment at the God Amun Holy of Holies at Karnak Temple also coincides with the illumination of his Holy of Holies at the Hatshepsut's temple on the West Bank of the Nile.

Ancient Egyptians believed that the solstice was a time of rejuvenation and revitalization.  From June 25 to Dec 24 the earth goes through a time when seeds are created in the darkness of the earth. The earth stops moving from Dec. 21 to Dec. 24 and begins to move again from Dec. 25, when ‘the light of the world” is reborn. This is the time to plants the seeds for new spiritual growth and “listen and watch” for the signs for the new directions in your life for the new cycle ahead.

The temple of Karnak was known to ancient Egyptians as Ipet-Sut. This referred mainly to the Precinct of Amun Ra, and means something like “most select of places” or “The most esteemed of places” or “The chosen Place”, something to that effect. 

Amun Ra was known as a Father God who reigned over the Sun and fertility of the region. The Ancient Egyptians believed he was able to boost the growth of crops by shining his light on them. They also believed that if they did not worship him, he could do the opposite and take the light away. He was the King of gods who created everything including himself. He represents the hidden and the seen because Amun is the hidden and Ra is the visible sun itself, therefore, he is the beginning and the end. Amun, the god who created the universe and Ra, the god of the sun and light. Ra travelled across the sky every day and was swallowed up each night by the goddess Nut, then pass through her belly through the night and be reborn again at dawn….

We celebrate a two-day ceremony beginning at the Karnak Temple on December 21 at 6am and again at Hatshepsut Temple on December 22.

The Solstice at Hatshepsut Temple

In time for sunrise on Tuesday 22nd we will make our way to Deir El Bahri, on the West Bank of the Nile.  Hatshepsut temple known by the Ancient Egyptians as Djeser-djeseru, ‘sacred of sacreds’.  

Magnificently set up against the Theban Hills we find the Holy of Holies dedicated to the sun god Amun Ra deep into the bedroom of the mountain.  This temple is recognised as one of the architectural wonders of the world.

As well as the Holy of Holies of Amun at Hatshepsut’s temple, the chapel of Hathor and Anubis, are also on the same e same solstitial alignment, so this temple is so very significant.

Light Codes of Anubis Chapel at Hatshepsut Temple Here

Hatshepsut’s temple gazes out toward the heavens toward the Eastern horizon; the moon and the sun rise, the constellation of Orion and the Star Sirius! 

If possible I hope to include all significant places aligned to the Solstice

 Karnak Temple

The mortuary temple of Amenhotep III 

Horus Temple on top of Thoth Hill

The mortuary temple Montuhotep atDeir El Bahri

The mortuary temple Amenhotep 1 at Deir Medina


Meditation with Light Codes activations of the Temples

and Light Codes activations of Amun, Hatshepsut, Anubis, Horus depending on which sites we visit.


  • 11:11 Keys of the Temples

    Early Bird tickets fof $2222AUD visit the ticket site at

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