A Light Codes Transmission for Manifesting your Highest Desire!
8 Keys of Manifesting the Subconscious into the Conscious
The Sirius Lion, opening the door to a new script!
Someone sitting in lotus position - being in total alignment with their higher self!
Someone in total alignment receiving blessings through the Sound Transmission!
Big A - Ascending through the mind,
Receiving insights through the Christ Codes of Higher Consciousness
Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine activating the Codes of Creation
Immersed in the Sacred Sounds of Sirius showering you in Christ Consciousness
A rising Stamen suggesting all your seeds of desires being fertilised for new and wonderful growth unlocking your full potential.
You can get your Light Codes for Bringing the Subconscious into the Conscious for manifesting your highest desires here. https://soulawakenings.etsy.com/listing/1795939147/bringing-the-subconscious-into-the
See you next week!
May infinite Blessings be upon you!
