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What is activating devotion? It was hard not to cry through this transmission. In fact I did, the emotional of what some call Holy Spirit, so the Dove, Holy comforter, presence of god, Spirit, Spirit of god, Spirit of Truth, Divine Force, Pure Consciousness, Shiva, rūḥ or Ruh al-qudus or spirit of holiness and ar-ruh al-amin, was overwhelming. This transmission reminds us of coming back to the practice of the beingness of "devotion". When you feel the Presence of God, you know there is no Love Greater and it is hard not to want to feel that Divine Presence again and so it encourages you back to the devotion to God, to Higher Self, and the Higher Purpose or reason for being here. If you have lost your shine, your connection or your desire to fully immerse yourself in the Love of God / Divine / Universe / Spirit or whatever you relate to, this light codes activation will help you to come back to finding inspiration in your spiritual journey. Spend time in prayer and meditation and "reconnect".

Through the Sounds of Source and the Mantras of Power, this is a most comforting and touching transmission.

Activate Devotion Light Codes

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