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Writer's pictureChristina Ritchie

Temple of the Sacred Marriage

Updated: Apr 25, 2023

Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, Horus and Hathor
Horus and Hathor

Horus and Hathor Edfu, Temple of the Sacred Marriage

Equinox means balance. Finding the balance and harmony between the divine masculine and divine feminine. It means "equal" night and equal day, or equal dark and equal light. It is the time of dual opposites to come together in equality. Are you in?

Healing with Horus the Ancient Egyptian god of Kingship, Healing and the sky and the goddess Hathor, goddess of love and motherhood. Horus and Hathor were considered husband and wife. Once a year Hathor would travel from her temple in Dendara to her husband Horus in his temple in Edfu. Hathor and Horus also had a son.

I live in Egypt, just 2 and half hours by car from the temple of the sacred marriage in Edfu. For many years I have offered sacred site healings to my clients, connecting individuals with the sacred sites that I visit in Egypt and around the world.

Sacred Site Healing at Edfu Temple

When we look at the symbolism of Horus and Hathor, we have the divine masculine (kingship) and the divine feminine coming together in sacred union. The child brings the holy trinity and the essence of creation together and so we see that this site is excellent for healing in relation to Twin Flame union and twin flame missions.

Horus, often seen in the form of a falcon, or falcon-headed human, was the god of the sky. His right eye was associated with the sun, and his left eye was the moon. He was also known as the god of healing. Having the sun and the moon as two of his great symbolisms, we can utilise his energies for bringing us clarity as he was also known as the "All Seeing Eye of God", and for initiating new beginnings. His left eye was associated with the moon, so we can utilise the energies and codes of this temple also for awakening our intuition and for healing our emotions.

The temple of Edfu is a great site for healing for the divine masculine as well as the union of divine masculine and divine feminine.

Light Codes of the Sacred Marriage

I travelled to Edfu to the temple of Horus and spent time in meditation at the temple receiving the light codes.

1. Choose this healing if you are seeking reunion with your soul mate or twin flame.

3. Choose this healing if you want to want to find clarity on with your sacred purpose.

4. Choose this healing if you want to treat yourself to the wisdom Keys and Codes of the sacred marriage through the Ancient Egyptian gods Horus and Hathor.

5. Choose this healing if you are trying to fall pregnant.

6. Choose this healing if you are trying to heal your emotions.

7. Choose this healing if you are trying to find more awaken to your intuition.

8. Choose this healing if you are trying to heal and awaken the divine masculine.

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